Publications of the Sundmacher Group

Publications of the Sundmacher Group

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Ahmad, R.; Kleineberg, C.; Nasirimarekani, V.; Su, Y.-J.; Goli Pozveh, S.; Bae, A.; Sundmacher, K.; Bodenschatz, E.; Guido, I.; Vidaković-Koch, T. et al.; Gholami, A.: Light-Powered Reactivation of Flagella and Contraction of Microtubule Networks: Toward Building an Artificial Cell. ACS Synthetic Biology 10 (6), pp. 1490 - 1504 (2021)
Journal Article
Ivanov, I.; Lopez-Castellanos, S.; Balasbas III, S.; Otrin, L.; Marušič, N.; Vidaković-Koch, T.; Sundmacher, K.: Bottom-Up Synthesis of Artificial Cells: Recent Highlights and Future Challenges. Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 12, pp. 287 - 308 (2021)
Journal Article
Otrin, L.; Witkowska, A.; Marušič, N.; Zhao, Z.; Lira, R. B.; Kyrilis, F. L.; Hamdi, F.; Ivanov, I.; Lipowsky, R.; Kastritis, P. L. et al.; Dimova, R.; Sundmacher, K.; Jahn, R.; Vidaković-Koch, T.: En route to dynamic life processes by SNARE-mediated fusion of polymer and hybrid membranes. Nature Communications 12, 4972 (2021)
Journal Article
Shetty, S. C.; Yandrapalli, N.; Pinkwart, K.; Krafft, D.; Vidaković-Koch, T.; Ivanov, I.; Robinson, T.: Directed Signaling Cascades in Monodisperse Artificial Eukaryotic Cells. ACS Nano 15 (10), pp. 15656 - 15666 (2021)
Journal Article
Staufer, O.; De Lora, J. A.; Bailoni, E.; Bazrafshan, A.; Benk, A. S.; Jahnke, K.; Manzer, Z. A.; Otrin, L.; Díez Pérez, T.; Sharon, J. et al.; Steinkühler, J.; Adamala, K. P.; Jacobson, B.; Dogterom, M.; Göpfrich, K.; Stefanovic, D.; Atlas, S. R.; Grunze, M.; Lakin, M. R.; Shreve, A. P.; Spatz, J. P.; López, G. P.: Building a community to engineer synthetic cells and organelles from the bottom-up. eLife 10, e73556 (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, M.; Weber, A.; Hartig, R.; Zheng, Y.; Krafft, D.; Vidaković-Koch, T.; Zuschratter, W.; Ivanov, I.; Sundmacher, K.: Scale up of Transmembrane NADH Oxidation in Synthetic Giant Vesicles. Bioconjugate Chemistry 32 (5), pp. 897 - 903 (2021)
Journal Article
Wohlfromm, F.; Richter, M.; Otrin, L.; Seyrek, K.; Vidaković-Koch, T.; Kuligina, E.; Richter, V.; Koval, O.; Lavrik, I. N.: Interplay Between Mitophagy and Apoptosis Defines a Cell Fate Upon Co-treatment of Breast Cancer Cells With a Recombinant Fragment of Human κ-Casein and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8, 617762 (2021)

Preprint (1)

Ahmad, R.; Kleineberg, C.; Nasirimarekani , V.; Su , Y.-J.; Goli Pozveh , S.; Bae , A.; Sundmacher, K.; Bodenschatz, E.; Guido, I.; Vidaković-Koch, T. et al.; Gholami, A.: Light-powered reactivation of flagella and contraction of microtubules network: towards building an artificial cell. bioRxiv (2021)
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