Publications of the Sundmacher Group

Publications of Christin Kleineberg

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Ahmad, R.; Kleineberg, C.; Nasirimarekani, V.; Su, Y.-J.; Goli Pozveh, S.; Bae, A.; Sundmacher, K.; Bodenschatz, E.; Guido, I.; Vidaković-Koch, T. et al.; Gholami, A.: Light-Powered Reactivation of Flagella and Contraction of Microtubule Networks: Toward Building an Artificial Cell. ACS Synthetic Biology 10 (6), pp. 1490 - 1504 (2021)
Journal Article
Kleineberg, C.; Wölfer, C.; Abbasnia, A.; Pischel, D.; Bednarz, C.; Ivanov, I.; Heitkamp, T.; Börsch, M.; Sundmacher, K.; Vidaković-Koch, T.: Light-Driven ATP Regeneration in Diblock/Grafted Hybrid Vesicles. ChemBioChem 21 (15), pp. 2149 - 2160 (2020)
Journal Article
Xu, D.; Kleineberg, C.; Vidaković-Koch, T.; Wegner, S. V.: Multistimuli Sensing Adhesion Unit for the Self‐Positioning of Minimal Synthetic Cells. Small 16 (35), 2002440 (2020)
Journal Article
Otrin, L.; Kleineberg, C.; Caire da Silva, L.; Landfester, K.; Ivanov, I.; Wang, M.; Bednarz, C.; Sundmacher, K.; Vidaković-Koch, T.: Artificial Organelles for Energy Regeneration. Advanced Biosystems 3 (6), 1800323 (2019)
Journal Article
Beneyton, T.; Krafft, D.; Bednarz, C.; Kleineberg, C.; Wölfer, C.; Ivanov, I.; Vidaković-Koch, T.; Sundmacher, K.; Baret, J.-C.: Out-of-equilibrium microcompartments for the bottom-up integration of metabolic functions. Nature Communications 9, 2391 (2018)

Preprint (1)

Ahmad, R.; Kleineberg, C.; Nasirimarekani , V.; Su , Y.-J.; Goli Pozveh , S.; Bae , A.; Sundmacher, K.; Bodenschatz, E.; Guido, I.; Vidaković-Koch, T. et al.; Gholami, A.: Light-powered reactivation of flagella and contraction of microtubules network: towards building an artificial cell. bioRxiv (2021)
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