Publications of Kai Sundmacher
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
9 (6), 1432 (2020)
Symmetry breaking and emergence of directional flows in minimal actomyosin cortices. Cells 2018
Journal Article
57 (41), pp. 13382 - 13392 (2018)
MaxSynBio - Avenues towards creating cells from the bottom up. Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Journal Article
130 (41), pp. 13566 - 13577 (2018)
MaxSynBio: Wege zur Synthese einer Zelle aus nicht lebenden Komponenten. Angewandte Chemie Preprint (1)
Emergence of Directional Actomyosin Flows from Active Matter Vibrations. bioRxiv (2018)