Publications of Azam Gholami

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Atakhani, A.; Mohammad-Rafiee, F.; Gholami, A.: Influence of cross-linking and retrograde flow on formation and dynamics of lamellipodium. PLoS One 14 (3), e0213810 (2019)
Journal Article
Vidal-Henriquez, E.; Gholami, A.: Spontaneous center formation in Dictyostelium discoideum. Scientific Reports 9, 3935 (2019)
Journal Article
Eidi, Z.; Mohammad-Rafiee , F.; Khorrami, M.; Gholami, A.: Modelling of Dictyostelium discoideum movement in a linear gradient of chemoattractant. Soft Matter 13 (44), pp. 8209 - 8222 (2017)
Journal Article
Prabhakara, K. H.; Gholami, A.; Zykov, V. S.; Bodenschatz, E.: Effects of developmental variability on the dynamics and self-organization of cell populations. New Journal of Physics 19 (11), 113024 (2017)
Journal Article
Vidal-Henriquez, E.; Zykov, V. S.; Bodenschatz, E.; Gholami, A.: Convective instability and boundary driven oscillations in a reaction-diffusion-advection model. Chaos. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 27 (10), 103110 (2017)

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Eckstein, T.; Vidal-Henriquez, E.; Gholami, A.: Boundary-Driven Oscillations Rescue PdsA- cells. bioRxiv (2019), 14 pp.

Preprint (1)

Ahmad, R.; Kleineberg, C.; Nasirimarekani , V.; Su , Y.-J.; Goli Pozveh , S.; Bae , A.; Sundmacher, K.; Bodenschatz, E.; Guido, I.; Vidaković-Koch, T. et al.; Gholami, A.: Light-powered reactivation of flagella and contraction of microtubules network: towards building an artificial cell. bioRxiv (2021)
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