MaxSynBio Innovation Workshop Venue
The first MaxSynBio Innovation Workshop will take place at the Max Planck Institue for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart.
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Heisenbergstr. 3
70569 Stuttgart
Direction by public transportation:

You can reach the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems easily by public transportation. From the S-Bahn station "Universität" or hotel Campus.guest take the busses #84, 91, 92, 746, 748 and get off at the bus stop "Max-Planck-Institute. There are two exits from the S-Bahn station "Universität". Walking from the main exit to the bus stop (orange) is not far but not evident. If you take the alternative exit you arrive directly at the bus stop (red itinerary). For this, exit the S-Bahn to the left (when you arrive from the city center of Stuttgart).
For further information check the public transportation in Stuttgart: