1st MaxSynBio Innovation Workshop
16/17 January 2019: From fundamental research in synthetic biology towards applications - transferring technologies and methods. An innovative workshop at the MPI for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart. This is an internal meeting for MaxSynBio members only.
Innovations for researchers

Within MaxSynBio we have developed many new methods and technologies, ranging from microfluidics to new enzymes. These innovations are also of valuable interest to other researchers in synthetic biology, life science, medical research and bioprocessing and therefore offer great potential for patents and commercialisation through start-ups or industry partners. An example is Emulseo, a company founded by MaxSynBio Project Leader Jean-Christophe Baret which develops and provides microfluidics for lifescience applications.
The 1st MaxSynBio Innovation Workshop is dedicated to the transfer of innovative concepts from our research into applications for the science community. The workshop will provide an overview on patents and start-ups and talks by guest speakers who have started their own companies.
Project screening & contributions by participants
Furthermore, two experts of Max Planck Innovation GmbH will screen projects presented by MaxSynBio PhD students and postdocs for potential commercialisation. PhD-students and postdocs are welcomed to submit short "innovation ideas" of max. 3 slides for a 5min presentation. Please upload your "Innovation Idea" on the contribution page.