Synthetic Life - what is synthetic, what is natural?
2 July 2018, Jahrtausendturm: A public panel discussion on synthetic nature with experts from MaxSynBio and guests.
In the framework of our MaxSynBio Symposium in Magdeburg we are organising a public panel discussion to which we also invite all participants of the symposium. Experts from MaxSynBio and guests will discuss about the question:
Synthetic Nature - what is synthetic, what is natural?

18:00 Dinner (for participants of the MaxSynBio Symposium only)
19:30 Doors open for the general public
20:00 Welcome address
20:10 Keynote talk by Dr. Joachim Schummer
20:30 Panel discussion with
- Prof. Dr. Kai Sundmacher, Bioprocess Systems Engineer
- Prof. Dr. Petra Schwille, Biophysicist
- PD Dr. Joachim Schummer, Philosopher and Chemist
- Prof. Dr. Peter Dabrock, Theologian and Ethician
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Prainsack, Sociologist and Political Scientist
21:30 Public reception with drinks and open discussion
The panel discussion will be held in the Jahrtausendturm, a wooden tower (actually the largest building worldwide made from wood) situated in the Elbauenpark, a large park next to the river Elbe in Magdeburg. The Jahrtausendturm hosts a large exhibition about 6000 years history of scientific and technological cognition. Exhibition objects include a huge Foucault pendulum, a reconstruction of the flying machine by Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Magdeburg hemispheres, Robert Hooke's microscope and a copy of the historic version of an x-ray tube.
Jahrtausentrum Magdeburg
Tessenowstraße 7
39114 Magdeburg
Entrance at tram stop Messegelände/Elbauenpark
Image courtesy by Jahrtausendturm and Andreas Lander ©.