Prof. Dr. Patricia Bassereau

Patricia Bassereau is currently CNRS Directrice de Recherche (equivalent to professor) at the Institut Curie in Paris where she is the leader of the group "Membranes and cellular functions". She started her carrier in Soft Matter in Montpellier (GDPC) and spent one year as a visiting scientist at the IBM Almaden Center (San Jose, USA). She moved to the Institut Curie in 1993 to work on questions related to "Physics of the cell." She develops a multidisciplinary approach, largely based on synthetic biology and on the development and study of biomimetic systems, as well as quantitative mechanical and microscopy methods to understand the role of biological membranes in cellular functions. Additionnally, she studies the mechanics of single filopodia in living cells, and in vitro the generation of cell protrusions.
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