Thursday 16. April |
12:00 |
Ceremonial Opening |
14:00 |
Reception |
Plenary talks |
Cluster A |
Chair: Joachim Spatz |
15:00 |
A1 |
Stephan Herminghaus |
Liposomes and Polymerosomes |
15:20 |
A2 |
Rumiana Dimova |
Membrane Curvature, |
15:40 |
A3 |
Katharina Landfester |
New Chemical Approaches |
Cluster B |
Chair: Katharina Landfester |
16:00 |
B1 |
Sven Vogel |
Min Oscillations and Actin Flows |
16:20 |
B2 |
Tanja Vidakovic-Koch |
Energy Supply and |
16:40 |
B3 |
Ivan Ivanov |
Metabolic Conversions |
17:00 |
Coffee Break |
Cluster C |
Chair: Stephan Herminghaus |
17:30 |
C1 |
Jeff Woodruff |
Biological Examples |
18:00 |
C2 |
Konstantin Gavriljuk |
Reconstitution of a |
18:20 |
C3 |
Ilia Platzman |
Droplet-Based Microfluidic |
18:40 |
C4 |
Victor Sourjik |
Reconstitution of Essential |
19:00 |
C5 |
Mangold Group |
Modular Approach to |
Cluster D |
Chair: Kai Sundmacher |
19:20 |
D1 |
Dabrock Group |
Safe and Sound? |
20:00 |
Dinner |
Friday 17. April
Cluster Sessions
Cluster A |
Cluster B |
Cluster C |
09:00 – 13:00 |
Chair: Oliver Bäumchen/ |
Chair: Ivan Ivanov |
Chair: Sven Vogel |